The Fort Worth Zoo
by Elizabeth Tangumonkem
The ForthWorth zoo was founded in 1909 and is located in the Dallas Forth Worth metropolitan area. It was founded with few animals but presently, there are more than five thousand native and exotic animals in the zoo. This zoo has good facilities, exhibits different animal species and serves as an educational site.

To begin with, the most distinct physical aspect of the zoo are shaded structures where people can rest in during and after tours. These structures are designed such that there are walkways which are accessible to people with disabilities. The rest rooms are also designed such that nursing mothers have space to change their babies if need be. The food outlets are located immediately after the main entrance of the zoo. People who visit the zoo stop by the food outlet to buy food and drinks. These facilities are fantastic and reminds me of some of the rural structures we have in Africa. The materials that are used to build these structures are raffia and bamboo sticks. Some of the roofs have semi cycle shape and cone shapes. The architectural designs of these structures make them unique from the others zoo in the Dallas FortWorth area. In each of this structures you will see pictures of animals that have being drawn. What makes each picture interesting is that there is a little biography about the animal, for example which part of the world you will find that animal, the year when it was brought to the USA and in the ForthWorth Zoo.
Furthermore, the zoo has about seventy-two species of mammals, one hundred and thirty-five species of herpetarium, and one hundred and forty-one species of birds. Some of these birds and animals include flamingo, fireback pheasants, chee-tos-cheetahs, lions, elephants just to mention a few. What makes it distinct from other zoo's in the Dallas ForthWorth metropolitant area and in the nation are the exciting African penguins. They are so beautiful in color, walk on their hind legs, and have vocalization like a donkey. These birds are found in the wild of Africa especially in South Africa and Namibia. Since this two countries are very close in their geographically they tend to have similar climatic conditions which favour African penguins. Here in the ForthWorth Zoo the climatic condition is almost like that of South Africa and Namibia. For it is not too hot and not too cold hence condusive for the Penguins. Their bodies are very smooth with lots of feathers to keep them warm during the winter season. They are always together. These births are an example of living in a community. I was so happy to see this different animals because before this visit to the zoo T had only seen these animals on pictures.

The zoo serves as an educational site for the Dallas Forth Worth metropolitan area. Many institutions around the metroplex use the zoo for research, educational meetings, teacher’s workshop, summer zoo camps, student group activities. Hence, this site provides factual information to nurture, appreciate, respect and strengthen the bond between humans and the environment. This has led to a responsible stewardship of wildlife through efficient and effective management. This has in turn enhance diverse, high quality educational and entertainment for families. For example there is an on going research project by thezoology students of Dallas. They are trying to understand how the origin of HIV is link to chims or chimpazees.
It was a fascinating experience to me and my family the first time we visited this zoo. I strongly recommend it to whoever is thinking of visiting a zoo in the United States of America. It is an interesting place to visit, because you will find animals from all parts of the world. The zoo has a unique stature; it is the oldest in the Dallas Forth Worth metropolitan area and the only zoo in the nation to house representatives of four great Ape species such as gorillas and Orangutans. It is the only Texas zoo and one of two in the nation to display magelanic flightless steamer ducks. It is the only zoo in the nation with the largest collection of reptiles.One among the two zoos in the nation that have African Penguins. My family was impress with what it takes to make a zoo unique like the ForthWorth Zoo. We were able to identify our self with nature, I challenge whoever is looking for a place to visit to get out of your comfort zone and get this link to the Dallas ForthWorth Zoo you will like it and will never regret why you visited the zoo.
1989 colonial PKWY
ForthWorth TX 76110
Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 2:03 am on Oct 27, 2007
1. I don't find too much interest on this essay. I had been at this zoo. It had more fund when I was there. I took picture with the bird. The people there fed the bird with white rat. I don't see this in the essay.
2. Yes, the essay is well organized. Physical description and social describtion are clear.
3. This essay is very clear to me.
4. No this essay doesn't have any picture.
5. This essay has a strong description about the zoo, but less description about social. The author should include some social description and make this essay look execiting.
Anonymous said
at 11:33 am on Oct 28, 2007
Your essay would be more interesting if you made it more personal. What did you see with your own eyes? Eliminate the information that would not interest your reader. A zoo is a very common place. What is different about this zoo?
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