
Dallas Writing Assignment

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago



In this essay you will discuss a specific site in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  Following are some possible choices for the focus of your essay:


  • A museum (e.g., Dallas Museum of Modern Art, Nasher Sculpture Museum and Gardens, The Sixth Floor Museum)
  • A tourist site (e.g., Thanksgiving Square, Reunion Tower)
  • A building (e.g., Texas Stadium)
  • A defining area (e.g., Trinity River, Oak Cliff, Deep Ellum)


In your discussion, you should: 1) provide physcial and historical description, 2) discussion of the importance of the location to Dallas/Fort Worth, and 3) your own assessment of the location.  You will thus have to complete some research and document your sources.  You'll also have to have visited the location in order to provide specific, meaningful personal assessment.


You should incorporate graphics or links to graphics in your essay.  Be sure to provide a caption for borrowed graphics, and request permission for use when necessary.


Note that your essays will be read and evaluated by an ESL class from Northern Virginia College and the class's professor, Dr. Christine Meloni.  In return, we will read and evaluated their essays, which will discuss sites in the Washington, DC area.



  • 10/1-10/3: Introduction to wiki; draft of outline
  • 10/8-10/10: Revision of outline; draft of essay
  • 10/15-10/17: Posting of essay to wiki; proofreading, revision, and editing
  • 10/22-10/24: Revision of essays; review of DC essays
  • 10/29: Final draft due

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